+ | North |
Q 7 |
9 4 |
9 8 7 5 |
K Q 10 6 3 |
+ | East |
9 8 3 |
K 7 5 |
A Q 4 3 |
7 5 4 |
| South |
A K 5 4 |
Q J 10 3 2 |
K 10 |
J 2 |
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Bridge Deal
from the deal bank
Vulnerability: game all
R. Christmas 24
For use by: Elementary
Click on "q1" below to see question 1, and on "A1" to see the answer.
- Question
South is obviously going to open with Hearts. What possible rebids could he have ?
- Question
South is obviously going to open with Hearts. What possible rebids could he have ?
Well, South has a 5-4 distribution in the Majors, and 14 HCP. Nice. The apparently obvious re-bid would be his 4-card Major, however with fewer than 16HCP South should not go through his "barrier" - limiting any rebid to no higher than 2 Hearts. Bidding higher than that, his partner would put him with 16+HCP, and all sorts of overbidding might occur! So 2 Spades cannot be his re-bid.
It will have to be rebid of Hearts. But that would promise a 6-card suit - or a very strong 5-card suit, which is questionable in this case.
The only other alternative is to open a weak 1NT - which I quite like, as it's possibly the "smallest lie" you can tell your sensible, stable and understanding partner. At least the extra doubleton has 2 honours! Some people though would go for the Heart opening bid and re-bid.
- Question
Why doesn't North tell his partner about his longest suits ? With only 6 points, why doesn't he pass ?
- Question
Why doesn't North tell his partner about his longest suits ? With only 6 points, why doesn't he pass ?
After the opening bid of 1 Heart, he would need to go to the 2-level to mention his minor suit, Clubs. But with only 7 HC points, he is too weak to change suit at the 2 level. You need about 10 HCP really. Also, he is too short to support Hearts, and he cannot switch to Spades with only 2 of them. The only bid left is 1NT, which he should bid just in case his partner is on maximum 18 or 19 HCP..... we wouldn't want to miss a game.
- Question
Why does South leave it in 1NT, given that his Hearts are so good ?
- Question
Why does South leave it in 1NT, given that his Hearts are so good ?
He knows his partner might only have 6 points, and 9 at the most, so game is not on, since we are well shy of 25. We've got good Hearts, but we don't have suit agreement in Hearts. We've got Spades covered, so the chances are high that our partner's limited strength is in the minors. So there are probably enough stoppers to be safe in 1NT. Probably better than 2H, where he could be short or even very short.
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The card play
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Planning questions
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