+ | West |
A J 10 8 3 |
A 10 3 |
K Q 5 4 |
6 |
| East |
9 6 4 |
J 8 6 |
8 6 |
A Q 10 8 4 |
+ | South |
Q 7 5 |
9 7 5 2 |
A 10 2 |
K J 5 |
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Bridge Deal
from the deal bank
Vulnerability: N-S
R. Christmas 25
For use by: Elementary
Click on "q1" below to see question 1, and on "A1" to see the answer.
- Question
Your partner West opens 1S, but you don't like them. (Spades, not your partner). Your Clubs are good. Do you pass, or bid your Clubs ?
- Question
Your partner West opens 1S, but you don't like them. (Spades, not your partner). Your Clubs are good. Do you pass, or bid your Clubs ?
Neither. You (East) can't change suit at the 2 level with only 7 HCP. You could risk weak Spade support, 2S, but that promises 4 of them which you don't have.
That said, bidding Spades is still an option: support with only 3-cards is often acceptable, since on 95% of occasions an opening bid of a Spade can be assumed to be from a 5-card suit, the second bid will clarify if it isn't, and (crucially) in this case you have an outside shortage that you exploit by ruffing with your short suit of Spades.
Anyway, you certainly don't want to pass, because you have 7 HCP and partner might have enough for game. 1NT denies 4 Spades, which is accurate, and ideally should be balanced, which is also technically accurate. Perhaps that's your best bid, but it's not clear cut given the diamond shortage.
- Question
Your partner West now tries diamonds, bidding 2 of them. They are even worse than Spades in your hand. Are you allowed to pass ?
- Question
Your partner West now tries diamonds, bidding 2 of them. They are even worse than Spades in your hand. Are you allowed to pass ?
Not on your life. On two counts. First, your partner has asked you to make a choice, and second, in his second bid, he also told you 2 more things: that he has 5-4 in Spades and diamonds, and that he has 12-15 points, not 12-19. If you pass, you are choosing diamonds, which would be a really bad choice, because you probably only have 6 of them between you.
- Question
So what should you do ?
- Question
So what should you do ?
Bid 2 Spades. You have an 8-card Major fit, so Spades is the right suit. No point going any higher, because the best you could have is 23 points, including your distribution point for the doubleton (which you can now include, because you have an 8-card trump suit fit). Even though 3 Spades might make, you're well short of 25 needed for game. Looking at LTC, you have 9 losers, and you should assume your partner has 7 losers, because he is an opener who has not gone through his barrier. Total 16. Subtract from 18 = 2. Another reason for not bidding higher than 2.
Other people's bidding
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The card play
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Then make a plan! Think for a bit about how you'd play this contract.
Planning questions
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